Nick Pappas reviews...

Nick Pappas reviews...

“Th. Metzger's Strong Songs of the Dead explores the multivalent contradictions of Sacred Harp singing in a highly personal, engaging series of vignettes. Delving into topics such as the conundrum of group performance favoring individual expression; the singing of Protestant religious songs by Christians, Jews, and atheists (among others); and a heritage of conservative morality juxtaposed with copious alcoholic consumption and extra-marital sex by its modern practitioners, Metzger does not shy away from all the warts and blemishes of shape-note culture. Further, he infuses a pagan quality to the tradition through his discussion of the sensual nature of the harsh and discordant harmonies of the music over the historical centrality of the lyrics. All topics are situated within a personal journey into the social and musical world of this American subculture, at times assuming the role of informal anthropologist and others the stranger in a strange land. Rather than a jejune scholarly tome, this book will engage both insider and casual reader unfamiliar with this deep-rooted American tradition.”

Nick Pappas, Independent Scholar

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